Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Purchase// Winter Wonderland Coat

So I have already written a (rather long) blog post, gushing about this parka. You'll be glad to know (probably because now I'll shut up about it) that I finally have it hoorah! I've actually had it a while but hadn't got round to blogging about it. The day I received my student loan I went in and purchased it and was the happiest day of my life (just kidding.) Was pretty chuffed though.

So here it is in all it's glory. I actually felt pretty rubbish when I took this photo because freshers flu is going around. Still couldn't help feeling delighted every time I saw my reflection in a mirror with this coat on. Sounds big headed, I don't mean it like that haha! I've been annoying my flatmates because I've been going on about how I want it to get colder so I can wear it without looking weird. Apologies that the quality is really poor on this photo, it looks fine on Instagram but when I scaled it up it lost focus.

Hello Autumn!

I went to visit my boyfriend for the weekend (we do long distance while at university) and wore this coat. He said he loved it (though he has to really) and that made me love it that little bit more. Here I am taking a cliche' picture in the leaves with the caption 'Hello Autumn' because I'm actually delighted that it's cold enough to wear it.

Seriously how sad can a girl get about a coat? But simple pleasures (for the small price of £55) are what life is all about. I promise that this will be the last blog entry about this coat and I'd like to apologise in advance if I forget and do another one!

Lots of love and thanks for reading.

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